Sunday, 8 May 2011

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   This is my final double page spread. I changed the font colour of the title to white because you couldnt really read it very well when it was in purple. i also added a photo of a medium close up from the front of Amy next to the third collum of writing. i also put a quote at the bottom of the photo of what a quote that Amy-Jayne said. I believe my double page spread was successful i had to move the text round alot to make sure it didn't go through the middle. i think the colour scheme worked out well because even the model matchs the colour scheme and everything on the page co-ordinates with eachother making it look pretty, which will also match my target audience as its a very feminine page. Also with all the girls loving artist 'Justin Bieber' they will be even more interested to read Amy Jaynes interview on how she was recognised by him and how he made her famous. 

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