Sunday, 8 May 2011

This is Abraham Maslows Hireachy of needs. Its is a phsycological theory that can be relevant to many subjects such as business, economics, sociology and phsychology. However i am using his Theory for my magazine which is marketing in the media indusrty. Maslow believe that the stages going from physiological, up towards the top being self-ectualization are the steps an individual needs in order to make them self happy at their job. The bottom of the pyramid are the importants NEEDS that an idividual has such as breathing food ,water, these are quite extreme and you dont just need them to be happy you need them to stay alive. as you get further up the pyramid everything becomes less important and they turn into wants rather than needs, however these are still making the individual happy. In a marketing sense, the marketing industry will place their product in a section in order to establish the rate that is would sell, the consumers, the price, the quality and even the location. Due to my product being a magazine it will be placed at the top of the pyramid as it is not a NEED it is a luxury item that the customers could easily live without.

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